When you have a multi-room system within your home that is easy to operate, you have flawless viewing and listening in just as many zones or rooms as you would like. If this sounds like something that you want, but you are not sure of the best way to go about it, we are here to help at Home Entertainment Solutions. Our team is passionate about projects that involve multi-room audio & video products in Edmonds, and we look forward to offering you a free in-home consultation!
Did you know that you can have your multi-room system set up to be wireless? We can go over your options for wireless speakers that make operation very convenient and streamlined. You also can control each of your speakers within the system from an app on your smartphone or tablet, or you can use a single remote.
Why Hire Home Entertainment Solutions?
When you sign on for multi-room audio and video installations with our team, you will find that we have a real passion for all of the projects that we take on. For all of your A/V needs, we have a wide range of products available to make your multi-room installation the best it can be. Just a sampling of the brands that we use most include:
- Denon®
- REL Acoustics Ltd.
- Sonos
- Samsung
- Sony
- Sharp
- Apple TV
- Panasonic
- And much more!
If having the ultimate set up throughout your home for enjoying audio and video is important to you, then you need to know that you are working with a team you can trust. Get in touch with us soon to set up a consultation by calling or using our online form to start your project.
We have access to the best multi-room audio & video products in Edmonds. Call Home Entertainment Solutions at (844) 437-4621 for a consultation appointment.